Hi, It's
Michael Knyazev👋🏼

I'm a Software Engineer with a passion for entrepreneurship and the creation of ambitious pet projects.

🦹🏼‍♂️ About me

Michael Knyazev - PhotoI've always loved playing around with computers and creating things. I feel lucky to have turned my passion into a career and have been doing it for over 10 years now. When I'm not working on tech, I love making music, especially on the guitar and piano. I live in Tbilisi, Georgia with my amazing wife and our two kids.

This website is like a little corner of the internet where I can share some of the cool stuff I've made over the years. You can find the source code for everything on my GitHub. I got the michaelknyazev.com domain a while back and wasn't sure what to do with it, but now it's the perfect home for this website.

🧑🏼‍💻 Work

After 7 years of honing my skills in website development at studios, I made the decision to pursue my own personal projects and left the outsourcing industry behind. In 2018, I took on the role of CTO at Legal Tech startup Destra, where I designed and MVP'd a cutting-edge no-code platform for lawyers, allowing them to easily create dynamic content. Thanks to our successful $1 million seed funding round, I was able to assemble a top-notch development team and lead them to success.

Currently, I am the CTO at Unveil, a customer research platform based in the UK.

You can also check out my CV 🤓

🐶 Pet Projects


A project dedicated for my favourite MMORPG The Lord of the Rings Online. This is open database of LOTRO items, relics, titles and traits with ability to build character trait trees and customizing LOTRO items for fun. It has a Discord bot as part of LotroBuild ecosystem, so players can add bot to their Discord servers and share items with previews instantly.


My WIP project with ability to create chains of delayed requests written in Go. Supports creation of conditioned chains of requests and smart redirect links. Very simple to use in Node / Go. Mostly used by me for my projects xD


Crypto-secure password generator, written using Next.JS/React for Frontend and Golang crypto, wrapped in WASM module for secure PRNG.


A Simple sked manager, with ability to book meetings by URL.